Our Core Values

Businesspeople and professionals understand that profit is necessary for growth, but many now realize that it's not the only goal. Those with Christian values see business as a means to bring about positive social change by utilizing their skills and resources to develop people and their communities.

Love for God

Our highest priority is to love God. This means that the quality and strength of all our other relationships and undertakings should be founded on a deep personal relationship with the Lord. We live out this core value through a consistent prayer life, regular reading of Scripture, faithful observance of the Sacraments, and the leading of an orderly life, a life that is constantly examined, renewed and balanced in the areas of relationships (family & others), finances, intellectual development, health, and spiritual growth.

Love for Community and Country

Love for community essentially means loving our brothers and sisters in the BCBP. We show this love by being present and participating in all chapter life activities as well as community-wide gatherings. We show this love through the generous giving of our time, our talents and financial support. In all of these, we are submitted to human authority which, in faith, we know flows from the ultimate authority of our Lord.

Commitment to the Lord’s Work

We know the BCBP has the distinct task of bringing our Lord into the marketplace. We carry this out by bringing fellow businessmen and professionals into the community, by our own personal witnessing in our places of work, and taking an active part in the transformation of business organizations.