Changing the face of business

We are a community of like-minded Christian businessmen and professionals who have banded together to bring about the transformation of the marketplace.

The BCBP aims to bring into our community men and women of significant influence in business and in the professions, who together will be instruments of Christ in the business milieu. This requires from every BCBP member an on-going personal conversion together with a commitment to the practice of Christian values in the workplace.

Thus, to win the marketplace for Christ means the radical change in the value system of business to one that is based on genuine and sustainable Christ-centric business tenets of steward leadership, justice and integrity, and professional excellence.

Our Organization

Find out about our purpose and values.

Take Action

Ready to take the next step? You can help us achieve our mission by getting involved.

Contact us.

Unit 416 Comfoods Building
Gil Puyat corner Chino Roces Avenue,
Makati City, Philippines